{Letters From Her} Breaking Out of Religion

Church hurt leaves the church HURT. Stop looking for God to appear in humans. Yes, He uses His children BUT they are NOT Him! Yes, you can have the anticipation of His love and mercy to be displayed from the church folk BUT how many people are in the church and not OF IT? YES, I went there!!!



So now all your hope and faith rests in the decision of fellow believers versus the ONE we ARE to believe IN.     

Sounds crazy right?    As crazy as it sounds, it happens EVERY single day!


Leaving the church because someone hurt their feelings or because someone didn’t acknowledge them. Folks don’t know how to receive the walk of their neighbor in the congregation. Being defensive of their emotions versus defending the faith. Quick to put on a lamp shade when placed in a dark area and even faster throwing shade when Godly correction is given.

If no one else tells you this let me go on record and say…

Your pastor is NOT God.

Your neighbor that sits next to you is NOT God.

The nurse, worship leader, First Lady, Deacon, server, usher nor is the greeter is God.

You dun held their words and opinions to such a standard that now you’re mad at God because YOU indirectly and unknowingly made these ”church folk” an idol. Now if it’s ONE thing we all know about God is that He is a VERY jealous God! He does NOT like when we put things above Him nor does He like when we place opinions of others over the facts that He provided. Stop holding them accountable for the growth of YOUR relationship with God.

“The church” can’t heal you!!!!! Stop using Sunday Service and fellowship as band-aids. The wound can ONLY be healed when it is exposed to what it cannot see… only feel (air). Allow God to be the only one you have the expectation of healing from. Let Him be the air. Do not depend on a hug from the greeter or a complement from the most virtuous woman in the church. THEY ARE NOTHING BUT HUMANS.

FULLY rely on Christ and watch as He grants you EVERYTHING you could possibly desire.


Go to church empty BUT with the expectation of being filled ONLY by God. You don’t need to be filled with processed revelations. Get to know God for YOURself.


   Be Easy and Remain Honest,

Rant Over,
Christian Rant

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